Alexandra Prince a happy mom

We all know that Alexandra Prince is one of best vocalist in dance music and her tunes hit international charts. But we also know that is a wonderful mom. On  January 15th the singer announced on her personal twitter account that she gave birth to a healthy boy named  Mateo Luan, and the second son from Prince family.

Alexandra Prince : I'm so proud to announce of my son birth Mateo Luan.

Alexandra took a break from music scene but she promise that will comeback on dance scene with her stage sister Melbetz aka Durstlöscher.

Sannie Carlson in studio

Saturday's Night singer Whigfield aka Sannie Carlson announced with a naked photo that is "hiding under the hands" new tunes. Sannie Carlson among the years collaborate with Manu LJ, Sandy Cambers, Dhany.
Her latest album "W"released in 2011 was received very well by her fans but she didn't got so much attention from mainstream stream media.
Now in 2014 she has a new team, and ready to conquer the dance scene with new songs like she shows in the picture bellow.

Alexandra's Stan Twitter account was cloned

The singer announced that somebody cloned her official account posting news that she's participating on Eurovision and other gigs.
Contacted by us the singer confirmed that news about twitter incident, and now is contacting the twitter management to delete the other account.

Yes a fake Alexandra Stan was created and we conatct twitter for that matter.

Alexandra Stan cameback on stage on  New Year's Eve at Sibiu with a big concert and new team.

The fake twitter 


Me & My reunion!?

Pernille Georgi one of the Me & My lead members, announced on her Fb official account that 2014 came with something great for her fans. But she didn't tell what...  

This year is starting amazingly well. Really good news within 2 weeks! That MUST be a first!
Can´t wait to share it with you all! 

ALWAYS keep believing there is something great waiting for you around the corner! said Pernille

Asked by a fan if that surprize is a new Me & My material, the singer smiled, and liked the comment.
What does it mean!? Me & My is ready to reunite for a new material?
You'll find the answer in couple of weeks like Pernille said.
Me & My was a famous danish pop dance group who hit the international charts with songs like Dub i Dub, Baby Boy, Let the love go on, Fly High,  but in 2007 decided to take a break .

Regi feat. Moya

The lead member and producer Regi just said that his forthcoming single will be soon released. The song will be called Reckless and was made with british singer Moya.

My new single Reckless is ready, and was made with the talented Moya(UK) said the producer.

The single will be promoted with video and release later this month all digital megastores.