2 Fabiola released on April 1st (digital only) the track "We Love The 90s" they had composed for the Hasselt concert, and even shot a videoclip for it
2 fabiola au lansat pe 1 Aprile un single "We Love The 90s" la care ia facut si un clip..
Their new single Blow Me Away was released on June 23rd.
Pe 23 Iunie au lansat noul lor single "Blow Me Away"
Thanx to Karine Sanche

Sylver Several sources (Showbizzsite, tv-familie, MSN) published today the news that Silvy and Khalid have decided to end their marriage after two years. The couple got married on 29 april 2006 in Heist-op-den-Berg, where they built a brand new lovenest. This is already spotted on the salesmarket for a price off over 500.000 euro's. In november 2007 they welcomed their first child into fheir home, Noor.
Cateva tabloide din Belgia au anunatat ca Silvy si Khali vor pune punct relatiei lor , dupa doi ani de casnicie.. Cuplul si-au pus pirostriile pe 20 Aprilie 2006 in Heist-op-den-Berg unde s-au si stabilit, valoare locuintei pe piata imobiliara se ridica la aproximativ 500.000 euro.
In Noiembrie 2007 au spus bun venit noului venit in familie, Noor!!

Velvet did a new orchestration at the song "Fix me"
Velvet a lansat o noua versiune a piesei "Fix Me" la care ia facut si un clip