Showing posts with label Whigfield. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whigfield. Show all posts

An enigmatic singer Sannie Pop

An enigmatic singer is making the debut in music industry - it's Sannie Pop or Sannie Carlson . The new image approached by the artist is very masculine but was not the first time. Who's this singer if you want to know! If you didn't guess yet,  is the same girl who played the role for many years of Whigfield.
Her new project will be out probably later this year and the first single released as Sannie will be called Call me ...
We don't know what will be with Whigfield maybe Annerly Gordon will replace her.
For more infos about Sannie project you'll find here

20 years of Saturday night

Sannie Carlson  aka Whigfield celebrated last night 20 years since Saturday Night was released, and posted on social network an emotional message addressed to people involved in Saturday night, and becoming the biggest hit of the 90s.
Saturday Night become a huge phenomena in the 90s, not because of the song but of the dance moves invented after, also is the etiquette posted by media to Whigfield  as the singer with one 1 hit wonder, and was not true at all. Big time, Think of you, Close 2 you, Sexy Eyes and Be my baby (cover after Ronettes) were also big songs but not promoted by media because was more important the american artists and not europeans..

Sannie Carlson in studio

Saturday's Night singer Whigfield aka Sannie Carlson announced with a naked photo that is "hiding under the hands" new tunes. Sannie Carlson among the years collaborate with Manu LJ, Sandy Cambers, Dhany.
Her latest album "W"released in 2011 was received very well by her fans but she didn't got so much attention from mainstream stream media.
Now in 2014 she has a new team, and ready to conquer the dance scene with new songs like she shows in the picture bellow.

Jeg kommer hjem

After a hot summer with Luv4ever, the danish diva Sannie Carlson aka Whigfield "Is coming  home".
That's the title of her new single - "Jeg Kommer Hjem" extracted from her recent album "W" (or the "Power of W" like she would love to be called ).
"W" has her signature and was made in OffLimits Studios with the help of  Igor Favretto, Roberto Battini and Larry Pignagnoli.
"Jeg Kommer Hjem" comes to promote this great material who has also Sannie Carlson,  Roberto Battini Igor Favretto and L.Barone signatures, and was released last Friday on all digital platforms.
The single comes with the original album version and a remix from Alvino a great single pack who will satisfy the most excentric tastes.
 "Jeg Kommer Hjem"  will be new anthem from diva who own, metaphoric speaking, the dancefloors in the 90's evey "Saturday nights"

The album "W" can be found here
The new single can be found on itunes
Visit her website

Whigfield in studio with Manu LJ

Sannie Carlson aka Whigfield said that a new single from W album will be released. The singer didn't metion the title but her fans guessed - "Devil Called Love" will be ...or "Stay in my head" whos very promissing to be a dancefloor hit.
For the new single Whigfield said that will shoot also a great video but right now is busy in studio recording and writing songs for Offlimits artists, and one of them is  Manu LJ,  who confirmed that she is studio working on the future single with Sannie... 

"I'm currently working on the next W video, plus i'm writing and composing songs for new future projects" said Sannie

Sannie was know in 90's after the hits Saturday Night, "Think of You","Another day" "Sexy eyes", "Gotta Getcha" "Close 2 You" she  also wrote a few songs for  Dhany and Sandy Chambers. Her recent material it's called  "W", and includes 8 tracks, and can be found here

Love 4ever

The most awaited single was released today on itunes, and comes from eurodance pioneer Sannie Carlson(aka Whigfield).
The single has amazing and unique style a combination of retro sounds with new ones.
The single will be included on her new material W that will be launched on the 28th of September 2012 and the promotion video of Love "4ver" will be released on September 21.
It's nice to see that this singer continues to release music even that on this market  requested ar songs from top 40...  it's not yet a hitsingle but i think will be if you'll buy it  ...
"Love 4ever" was wrote by Sannie and was released under Offlimits Production and will be available to all online megastores...
Love 4 ever this song..... Love 4 ever this eurodance icon ...

Dance Updates

ā€ŽPowerFrancers "Pompo nelle case (Pump up in the speakers)" from PowerFrancers also gather 3.200.000 views, the project is supported in Italy by MTV Italia director Luca De Gennaro, M2O radio and by the Italian pop star Luciano Ligabue..

AnnaGrace(Ian van Dahl former vocalist) is in studio working on her future material.

Lasgo Jelle from Lasgo said in a recent interview that it's pregnant and the new Lasgo material will be done next year.

Scooter just released last week the new video "David Doesn't Eat" right now the team are in promotion tour. preview of the new video here.

Dj Bobo just release a new video called "Everybody's Gonna of dance" and will be included on the future material. The first who will buy the EP will get for free unreleased DJ BoBo Song "Heaven". "Everybody's Gonna of dance" will be released on November 11 ( Thanks to Karine Sanche) Preview here

2 Unlimited Nothing 2 loose will be called Ray & Anita's newest single. The ep will be available soon woldwide via itunes! Preview here

Unique 2Finally Jade Davies Unique 2 lead singer released her 1st video called - "Taking Over" the tune can be found on all digital megastores. Preview of the new video .

On Youtube was posted also a new song from her will be the future single !? more here

Offlimits said on their official FB account that Sannie & Annerley are working both on some new tracks. The release date is not yet known.

Experience of music made a remix for dutch project Shrink Reloaded called "Beat of Zen 2k11", the tune will be included on the compilation "HouseNation 2k11" that will be release this December.

Sylver a new single

Sylver aka Silvy De Bie and Dj Wout are back after a little pause, the team are ready to trance you with the new single "Stop feeling Sorry", a song that will be dropped out next week on July 11.

Shaun Baker continues to amaze me with another master piece, after his last one "Frontline", the german "baker" came with a tune made in collaboration with Discomakers and Jessica Jean called "Addiction". "Addiction" will be out soon on all digital megastores.

Pandora made a new collaboration with estonian singer Stacy, the tune is called "Why", aand at this moment is #1 in Estonian Chart. Soon Pandora will do a video for Europe only.

Mylene Farmer "Lonely Lisa" is the new single from french diva Mylene, the tune is from recent material "Blue Noir" a material wrote by her and mixed by Chew Fu, "Lonely Lisa" is the second single from that material and was released in France on June 20.

Stay C lead rapper of eurodance band Twenty 4 Seven got a good feedback for "I am no Superman" from Dutch press. The single was made with with Jeranimo and released at the end of March.

Whigfield is ready for another hit, "C'est Cool" the video was released on utube.

Dance News

DJ Bobo has stood for nearly two decades in the spotlight and is never tired in a recent interview gave to german television Sat 1 explained what are his future plans and tour dates more details here

Dj Aligator After his latest release "Kiss My B-Ass" in 2009, Aligator is ready for another dance hit "Starting Over" from his forthcoming album. The new tune was written by Ali Movasat & his producer Daniel Kandi and will be released soon on all digital megastores. Recently Ali made a remix of Inna's mega hit "Hot"

Whigfield Guess who's back ...the Guinness-dance-star Whigfield came with a Cool song and a cool look!! "C'est Cool" is the new single from eurodance diva Wiggy aka Sannie Carlson, preview of new hit here

Benny Benassi new single is called "Electroman" made with american rapper T-pain, and it's from the album with the same name where Dhany was invited to make a song.

Aqua hit single "Barbie Girl" was covered by Marie Serneholt (A-Teens) and Bluwax

Lou Bega's commercial single Sweet like Cola entred this week on Ultratop 50 Belgium at #45.

Dance updates

Whigfield was brought in the front of the mic to record this new single "To feel Alive", an uplifting track in her own style made in collaboration with german team Oral Tunerz, and can be found on all digital megastores.

Luciana(Bodyrox) explained in recent interview that the new material is almost done, the new album includes songs wrote by her in unique style, at the moment Luciana is busy with gigs in Russia, after that is going back in studio to prepare the future material...

Dj Aligator is working on his future material, the internet is full with rumors that the new genre of his material will be vocal trance and would include also and the hitsingle "Gi Det Til Dig" .The new album will be probably out this spring .... more infos soon

Medina Great news Medina just got platinum for "Addiction" more than 500.000 units were sold. "Addiction" is the second single from Medina english material "Welcome to Medina" and the second success after "You & I."

Eurodance News

Regi Sylver and Milk inc producer is ready for another launch ... not a rocket launch but close, "Runaway" is his next  single, after "Take it off" made in collaboration with Kaya Jones (Pussycat Dolls), "Runaway" is the fifth single from  Registrated 2 and was played Friday in Regi's radio show.

Whigfield  ( NaaN) released a new single called "Go!" made in collaboration with Auxman, the tune will be official released on December 10.

Quintino next single will be called "I Feel Like Dancing".

Daniel Bovie finally decided to release a new single, the tune is called "My Destiny" and was released in October.

Peter Luts was invited by NRJ France to mix in Cauet show, the video can be seen here.

MylĆØne Farmer is preparing her first appearance in media, Radio FG will have the opportunity to meet this enigmatic artist, and to talk about her future projects, so this Monday 6 December on "Happy Hour" don't miss Mylene on Radio FG.

Eurodance News

Ice Mc release a new single called "Party With Us" and it's made in collaboration with DJ Sanny J, the single was official launched on November 23.(thanks to Karine Sanche)

Whigfield future single will be called "To feel alive". (Thanks to Sebastien Peyretout)

BG the Prince of Rap will collaborate with BPM on a brand new track that should be recorded in January 2011.(thanks to Karine Sanche)

Lane McCray (La Bouche) has a new song in collaboration DJ Blaine and Barona, the new song it's called "Pump It". The tune was released on October 28 and can be found here.

Medina's new single "Addiction" is # 1 on Danish Itunes dance charts.

Sylvia Tosun new single "Above all" is # 3 this week on Billboard Hot Dance Club Chart.

Double You single "If  Could Fall" was played on David Guetta radio show, so my question is ... this will be a new collaboration for the Grammy winner!? Will seee...

Infernal, September, Whigfield

Infernal Paw & Lina released yesterday 27th September the new Infernal album called "Fall from Grace". The new material can be found on various online music stores.

September Petra announced o her Twitter account the name of her new song,  it's called "Only Girl" and will be included on her new album.

Whigfield released with Pochill a new song "Discipline" a chill out track who will be released on beatport, a preview here.

Luciana, Sylvia Tosun, Dj Project, Whigfield

Luciana is back with Bodyrox team the new tune is called ā€œShut your Mouthā€ and was released this month, and can be found here .

Sylvia Tosun blow up the Billboard Club charts, the new single "Push ā€˜n Pull" is # 1 this week.

Dj Project after the last single released last year with Elena, Iā€™m talking about Miracle of Love, the team made a new remix of ā€œNuā€( No) song , the track is from 2005 album ā€œSoapteā€( Whispers) . The remix, made with the new voice Giulia, will be included on the future Dj Project album who will be released later this year .

Whighield gave an exclusive interview to Italian online magazine The article can be read here

Whigfield, Qlab, Jes, Ann Lee

Whigfield the new single will be called "No Doubt" a nice song for this period of time "a something more introspective and meditative". The single can be found on all digital megastores also on itunes.

Qlab is a dance project from Off limits label the last single from this project is called 2Speck .. yes to 2Speck your ears with captivating rhythm . The single is out now on all digital megastores you can buy it from here

Jes you can watch her latest performance here.

Ann Lee's new single "2 People" is available. She was also featured on Favretto's new single "I Get The Feeling", which should be out on December 11th as digital release (Thanks to Dance Music News) Buy it here Info by Karine Sanche

AnnaGrace, Whigfield, Terri B!

AnnaGrace her new single will be called "Love keeps calling on", the tune was played on Peter Luts show MNM Dance and also was performed on Lasgo's new album release party.

Thanks to
Karine Sanche & Dancevibes

Whigfield gave an interview to magazine Momento.
The interview was done in Denmark just before a TV interview on national station DR. Whigfield went to Denmark this summer to play at Skanderborg Festival in front of 20.000 people. The interview from Memento can be read and seen here

Info by Anders BĆøgh

Terri B!( 2 Eivissa, Future Breeze, Avant Garde , DONS) was invited last weekend on french radio station House nation to promote her latest single.

Whigfield interview

Hello Sannie first thank you for accepting this interview.

How did Mrs Whigfield, your music teacher, react when she knew you were using her name as a tribute to her?
I actually never got to know what she thought about the whole
idea, as I hadnā€™t spoken to her in years. But Iā€™m sure she must have been

Have you ever wanted to be a singer?
As most kids, growing up I wanted to be a little bit of everything.
But on top of everything I loved music and music has always played a huge
part in my life.

Your hit single was ā€œSaturday nightā€ fallow by a nice video, my question is who is the guy from the photo you kissed on "Saturday night" video?
That guy is actually the director of the video, and the photo was
taken on holiday in Ibiza. Iā€™m not sure what he was doing full of mud as he
was, as I wasnā€™t there myself.

What kind of music do you listen?
I listen to anything that gives me emotions, from classic to rock,
dance, Electro Ect.
It all depends on how I wake up. Normally when I compose, I donā€™t listen to
other music than what Iā€™m working on.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I love to cook; I love to invent my own recipes. Go bike riding,
swim and watch movies

Do you wrote your own songs?

I havenā€™t written any of the ā€œWhigfieldā€ material but these last few
years Iā€™ve written for many other artists like Benny Benassi, Benassi Bros,In-grid, Ann-Lee, Spagna, Favretto Ect..

If you had to choose between singing and being a model what will be?
Well! Singing of course, modelling was just something I did when I
was younger to pay the bills.

One of my favourite track isā€ Close to youā€. Has the tune a story? And who wrote that track?
Well apart from being a great love song it was also the sound track(in Spanish) to a famous soap opera in Brazil.
The authors are: Davide Riva, Larry Pignagnoli, Annerley Gordon

Were you into the 90ā€™s euro dance? Did you have a favourite band?

Some of it, but mostly I would listen to more club orientated music and I honestly didnā€™t really have a favourite band.

Why did you cut your hair?
Why not?

Did you thought to make a material in Danish?
No way! First of all Iā€™ve been away far too long from Denmark to
even express myself properly in Danish, secondly Iā€™ve never thought that
Danish sounds very good when sung.

Do you still keep the contact with the girls from Benassi Bros. Dhany and Sandy Chambers ? Would you like to sing a duet with one of them?
I still see the girls once in a while and Iā€™d be quite stupid not
wanting to do a duet with any of them, as they are both wonderfully talented

Among all the concert and live appearance you did, which one(s) left a special memories ? Any anecdotes ?
I did a festival at Moscowā€™s Gorky park where Boney M where
headlining. I was told that there were nearly 1 million people so that was
quite breathtaking. The anecdotes I canā€™t tell as they are secret, he, he.

What a good advise can give to a girl or boy who wants to step in this industry?
Get ready to work really hard and make sure you read the fine print on all contracts. Have fun with what you do otherwise it can become quite nasty as this is a tuff business.

In fashion ā€œThe Devilā€™s wears Pradaā€ ?
If I were the devil, Iā€™d definitely wear Versace.

Are you working at a new material Whigfield if is true when will be released?
Well currently we have quite a lot of demoā€™s just about to be
realized, so maybe for Christmas or within the new year.

Sannie If you could change something in your past life, what would it be?
Nothing much. I think that Iā€™ve been lucky with such a curious life so far. Thatā€™s more than enough I guess.

What was the funniest story or gift got from your fans?
There is a fan that by now I call friend. Itā€™s a German guy whoā€™s
followed my career since almost the beginning. Heā€™s been to so many of my
shows and TV - Performances that to count would be impossible.

If I had to characterize yourself in three words, what would it be?
Silly, loving, crazy
Thank you so much Sannie..

Thanksā€™ again and a huge kiss to anyone whoā€™s gonna be reading this.

Special Thanks to Sannie & Off Limits Production

Double You , Bob Sinclair, Whigfield, Alexia, Hermes House Band, Dj Cosmo

Double You aka William Naraine released his newest solo single for 2009. Its called Last Train To London. It is a perfect dance track which brings him back to the roots. I can say that this song sounds revolutionary today.The modern electro beat is mixed with revival synths and bassline similar to his first hits Please Dont Go and We All Need Love.The result is a new version of his original style. Excellent! In the last years Double You recorded many tracks together with different artists like DJ Ross, DJ Meme, Don Cartel, Tom Hopkins and Gino Martini, but we hope that a new album endly will come out...

Paul Van Dyk The world famous DJ from Berlin - Paul Van Dyk released a new single. Its a remix of the classic trance anthem For An Angel . The new version is super modern and it dives very bravely in the deep waters of the electro sound. Its climbing very well now to the top of the club charts. Here are the mixes :

Paul Van Dyk - For An Angel 2009 ( Paul Van Dyk Club Mix)
Paul Van Dyk - For An Angel 2009 ( Spencer and Hill Remix)
Paul Van Dyk - For An Angel 2009 ( Dan Stone Remake)

Bob Sinclar is back! This summer he rocks the discoteques again with powerful dance hits. And it all begins now with the new single Lala Song. Its with a special guest appearance of Master Gee & Wonder Mike from the original 79' Rap Band Sugarhill Gang . Amazing !!! Bob's world tour 2009 is on and the next gig is on Thursday 30th April at Culture Club, Gent (Belgique). More news

Yves Larock The brandnew single of Yves Larock is out. The club hit is called Listen To The Voice Inside and it features again Steve Adwards. This track comes out of the new album Rise Up which included also the hits Rise Up, By Your Side and Say Yeah.

Infos by Music Express

Whigfield Naan (Sannie Carlsson, more well-known for being Whigfield's frontlady) was featured on D-bag's new single Up To The Boy. Info by Karine Sanche

Alexia she recorded for Global One Music a track with Andrea Dianetti the song is called "Come Nessuno"( Like no others) and will be released May 18th 2009.

Hermes House Band the party band from Holland are releasing their new album 'Rhythm of the Nineties' under Universal Music label,on the album are included and the tracks "Please don't go" & "Rhythm of the night" ..
For more infos check Official page

Dj Cosmo after Tiesto, Armin van Buureen and others, Dj Cosmo started his own radio show called "Cosmology" brodcast worldwide live: all Monday 17.00-18.00 CET on, all Saturday 18:00-19:00 on,all Thursday 3:00 pm (GMT) on, all Sunday 5:00 pm (GMT3) on / Chile, 2:00 pm (EST) Mexico, 6:00 pm Argentina, 8:00 pm (UTC,GMT) U.K, 9:00 pm (CET) Espana weekly on