Dj Aligator His really name Ali Movasat is working at his new video "I'm Coming Home".
The video will be released Wednesday June 18th the song is made in collboration with an artists from Iran...
Dj Aligator aka Ali Movasat va lansa pe my space noul sau clip "I'm coming Home" in colaborare cu un artist din Iran... numele este necunoscut inca:).
Lansarea oficiala a clipului se va produce Miercuri 18 Iunie pe my space..
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BPM "Shocking The Dancefloor" is the new single and was lunched on itunes more details about this single you can find here
Noul single a celor de la BPM se numeste "Shocking The Dancefloor"
Waldo's People The new single "Back Again" is number 1 in Finland.
Noul single Back Again a ajuns direct pe locul 1 in topul finlandez..
Thanx for the infos to Karine Sanche