Showing posts with label Magic Affair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magic Affair. Show all posts

Bad boy is back!

Ak Swift  the bad boy from eurodance scene is back with a new project. Ak Swift  lead rapper  of Magic Affair is releasing tomorrow a new single with american rappers: Struggle da Preacher and Young Noble. 365 Grind it's called, and it's a hip hop song. Ak Swift is not a stranger to this genre, in 1997  released under MCA records 2 hits: The Game and The light of me,and the single launched tomorrow wants to be the next success of the euro rapper. 

365 Grind  is about working hard for what you want,  and fighting off haters in the process says rapper

About the Magic Affair Ak Swift and Franca Morgano are not a team anymore, the rapper confirmed that Magic Affair will be without him as rapper. 
......will be no more Magic Affair with me in it, I have my own thing running right now said Ak Swift

More infos about his new project can be found here

Magic Affair, Ysa Ferrer

Photo:Gonzalo Garcia

Magic Affair Franca Morgano is doing the preparations for the next year pres election of Eurovision song Contest. The german preselection will be  in February, and Franca won't be alone on stage with her will be Lady Mata Hari & Doc Beat. Eurovision song contest was won this year  by her local singer  Lena with Satellite.
Update: The name of the project it's called Glitzerhaus & Franca Morgano and the song "I feel it all".

Thanks to Franca Morgano

Ysa Ferrer The french singer and  an icon for french gays released her new album "Ultra Ferrer", the material contains 13 tracks and her masterpiece "French Kiss".

Jenny Bergren, Ak Swift

Jenny Berggren Ace of Base lead singer released her solo album called "My story", an material wrote by Jenny herself were she talks about love and hate inspired by life experince.
On the material will be included also and the singles  "Free me", "Here I am" & "Gotta Go", the material can be pre order here.

Ak Swift(Magic Affairjust gave a recent interview were he talks about his future projects, recently recorded new tracks with Pawel Tumbo Szczyrba producer for the eurorap project Legends & Dimonds. The first single with this project would be called "(The World Is) Hard & Cold" chours were made by C-Block former vocalist Misty aka Theresa Baltimore. more here

Magic Affair, Susana, Edun

Magic Affair  lead singer, Franca Morgano  release a cover after Beats International 90's hit "Dub Be Good To Me", the song it's included o Franca Morgano new material who can be preorder here. Ak & Franca will be next month on October 9 in Duisburg for a 90's gig more infos here.

Susana released a new single from her debut album "Closer", the tune is made in collboration with Tenishia (Dash Berlin) and it's called "The Other Side",  the single was released on September 27th.

Edun release her new single "My Love Is Here For You" and on amazon. The song will be included on Edun's debut album.

Magic Affair, Sandy Chambers, Kim Sozzi

Magic Affair Ak Swift Magic Affair member, works on new hip hop project with MCBEE, Harv Dent and Gravy Mavis, the song is called "Gs Up Sneek peak" and will be released under Zulu King label, for this song Ak made also and a video, more here .

Sandy Chambers Dance diva, came with 2 new songs, the first one is made with Mood Velvet and called "Summer Of My Life" and 2nd one is called "Catch Me Now" made with Pro-Hunters, an unique and smashing ragga-dance track with amazing sounds . To catch the new tracks you have all the infos that you need here.

Just One Day

Kim Sozzi appeared with a new song called "Just one Day". The song is from recent solo material with the same name released on July 21 2009, and includes the hitsingles like :"Break Up", "Feel your Love", "Kiss Me Back(cry 2ite)" and "Secret Love".
The new single fallows the same music line with retro beats and drum synths. The tune entered on all american radios playlist and enjoy a huge success from critics part.

Claudia Cazacu "I love electronic music world so much that I decided to be my job. When I'm on stage, my music is telling a message to the crowd, and when I see the reaction of people everything turns into a dream come true." You can read the hole interview with Claudia here 

Franca Morgano, Starstylers, Brooklyn Bounce, Robert Miles

Franca Morgano(Magic Affair) published a song called Start It Up on the French site Castarprod. You can vote for her here, you don't even need to register...

Starstylers After more than 2 years of silence, Starstylers are back with a new single entitled Your Love, featuring Nils van Zandt

Brooklyn Bounce are touring with a reduced team : only Diablo and DJ Dennis ā€œBonebrakerā€ Bohn (aka Brooklyn Bounce DJ). They announced a new single for March.

Robert Mile's new album will be entitled Thirteen. It should be out during year 2010. Samples are now available on his Myspace (thanks to Carver)

Infos by Karine Sanche

Kim Sozzi, Magic Affair, 2Unlimited

Kim Sozzi released last night on all digital platforms the new single "Secret Love". The material includes remixes of:
1. Stellar Project Radio Edit
2. Josh Harris Radio Edit with Intro
3. Josh Harris Radio Edit
4. Josh Harris Bedtime Mix
5. Wendel Kos Radio Mix
6 Stellar Project Extended
7. Josh Harris Mixshow Edit
8. Wendel Kos First Sunlight Remix
9. Wendel Kos First Sunlight DubMix

More infos here

Magic Affair Finnally the secret of new album was revealed by Franca Morgano.
Franca said that the new material is done and includes new tracks write by her and now depends only the labels when will be released the new Magic Affair album. Thanks to Franca Morgano

2Unlimited The single of Romy and Marion aka Two (former 2 Unlimited members) is postponed to March. It will be presented during a special charity gala in Zeelandnet studio, Kamperland (Netherlands). More here Info by Karine Sanche

Look Twice,Activate,BG the Prince of Rap,Evi Goffin

Look Twice are back ! Patrik Wincent is the only member remaining from the original formation. They released a new version of their hit Move That Body. You can discover it on their official Myspace (thanks to Patrik Wincent himself)

Activate's hit "Save Me" was covered by DJ Brainstorm.(Thanks to Dance Music News)

BG the Prince of Rap's "The Colour Of My Dreams" was once again covered, this time in an handsup style by the German DJ duet Sequenza meets Megastylez.

Evi Goffin(Medusa, Lasgo) was featured by Alex Sayz on the dance single "Hate To Love".

Experience Of Music's new single can already be pre-oredered on Amazon Germany, Amazon France and Amazon US, where you can also preview the mixes (thanks to Frank Winkelmann himself)

Anthera's "Good Time Tonight" was remixed by DJ Mikey. You can dicover this brilliant mix on his Myspace.

Infos by Karine Sanche

The new interview with Ak Swift (Magic Affair) can be read here

Magic Affair, Cristal Waters, Adventures of Stevie V

Magic Affair another comeback this year after Ray & Anita, Franca Morgano & Ak Swift they thought to comeback with a new material, Ak Swift just said it's happy about this comeback, and is working at new songs with Franca in sudio. Release date unknown for the moment...

Cristal Waters an unknown bad called Goldstein did a remix of Cristal Waters success 100 % Pure Love, more infos about the track can be found here

Adventures of Stevie V Dirty Cash was remixed by Funk-K, more infos about the track can be found here

Zsolt Szeifert lunched his new single called "100 Miles From Home" infos about the track here

September , Samira, Magic Affair, Blumchen

September the new single from September was released in Uk.
The single can be buy it from HERE

Samira(Maxx)finally after 10 years of silence. Samira decided to joined forces Markus Engel and released this wonderful dance track "DEFINITION OF LIFE". The single can be found and listen HERE
Thanx to this info to Samira

Dance Floor An exclusive interview with Franca Morgano & Ak Swift can be read here, also you can read an exclusive interview with ex E-Rotic vocalist Lyane Leigh.

Blumchen here it is the interview from Sat1 WeckUp show. Enjoy it!

Thanx to crazysexymarvelous

The news was copy from Eurodance Blog

Fusion Radio Suck

News: Ace Of Base, Magic Affair,Alexia, Anna Vissi

Ace Of Base Wheel Of Fortune 2009 has now finally been released! The date was on 24th October .The Greatest Hits Double Cd+Dvd will be out on November. The material has 12 track including two new tracks.A new album with brand new material will follow next year.
Thanx for this infos to Anders BĆøgh & Karine Sanche

Magic Affairare back with a brand new single entitled Stigmata (Of Love), featuring AK Swift (thanks to Klems).

Alexia was selected to represent Italy at Globalone Music, worldwide music project uniting the talents of platinum selling artists covering 20 countries over 5 continents. She will record a song specially written for the event, and contribute to a collective song entitled Lately. Both will be included on a double CD compilation to be released in March 2009.

Thanx for this infos to Karine Sanche

Anna Vissithe new song "To Parelthon Mou" (My Past) exclusively from MAD TV and LOVE RADIO 97.
5 on October 29, 2008 at 18:00! "To Parelthon Mou" will be the title track to the new Greek film Bank Bang due out in December 2008!
thanx to Anna Vissi herself

About how to buy the new single and her albums u can find more infos HERE