Showing posts with label Dj Encore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dj Encore. Show all posts
Posterchild - Engelina
What a nice surprise to discover the new single from Dj Encore lead singer - Engelina, it's called "Remedy" made with danish dj Asle Bjorn, and it's not the only song that Engelina put her touch, "My War" it's another electro misterpice.
"Remedy" will be soon launched worldwide. In Romania the new single conquered the charts this week is number # 12 on Dance Fm. Preview of the new single here.
About her future plans Engelina is working on her material that probably gets out later this year and about Dj Encore project she didn't want to talk it's a close chapter . "On Dj Encore i was just the posterchild" said on twitter the artist.
Vengaboys are ready to party!
The dutch eurodance project made by Danski and Delmundo are back with the 2nd single. Kim & co presented on Gay Pride event in Netherlands a new song called "All We Wanna Do". Rumors are saying that this will be the next single from dutch project - Vengaboys who came in 2010 with a new song after 10 years of silence and the 1st video 3D - "Rocket to Uranus" in the video appears the gossip blogger Perez Hilton.
Leticia(Passion Fruit lead singer) recently said on her facebook account that it's shooting her first video for "Alma Latina"her new summer song. The single will be included on her future album.
Dj Encore lead singer Engeline just said that she finished her new song "All of Me", Engeline she left the project Dj Encore in 2002 for a solo career and the genre approached is more rock/pop.
Maloy one of Captain Jack vocalists said in recent interview that she close the collaboration with german project Shaun Baker. Maloy launched with Shaun Baker many hits: "The power
Soon will be posted and the interview gave to Eurokdj website.
Kate Ryan, Ace Of Base, Dj Encore, Ultrabeat, Corona, Peter Luts
Kate Ryan is working with a swedish producer on new material who will be ready next year and will be fill with songs written by her but also and few covers, Kate said in a interview about the last material: "French Connection" is the end of an era". The album "French connection" was awarded in Spain with a Multi-Platinum for selling more than 300.000 digital songs, right now Kate is on tour in Canada.
Ace Of Base Jenny Berggren ( lead singer ) announced on her Facebook account why was left outside from this project :
" I have not been contacted about AOB until some days ago and since I am still a member and important deals aorund the band (who doesn't involve me) are not settled yet, I am confused. Twitter and Facebook has been my voice. My wish was to stay in the band to make music in the future. Someone told me fans think I quit and left the boys alone, but the story is not at all this.
"To say that I didn't agree to a fourth member is wrong. I even gave names if I would have gotten a green light of the things I needed. For instence some control over the issues regarding the band. Once I was told not to meet up with a manager that would work with us 'because I didn't have the full picture of what we had been sold in as'." said Jenny
Jenny was one of original member since 1993 till 2009 when the band announced that is time to take a break.. meanwhile Jenny concentrate over her new music project and the book release...
Dj Encore Engelina former vocalist is working on her new material with "Poster Child" a pop rock band from New York. You can listen the new songs with "Poster Child" here.
Ultrabeat after a long silence Chris Henry, Mike Di Scala and Ian Redman alias Ultrabeat are back with a new single called "The Stalker" a song extracted from their latest material "The Weekend Has Landed". More infos here
Corona's long awaited new single is entitled "I'm Not An Angel". Videoclip will soon be released, for now you can already discover the making of. Her new album is entitled Y Generation, it's an amazing dance album, and is digitally available on Italian portal Ascoltalamusica. Olga is currently touring in Italy with her new band, BC Band. (thanks to Augusto Vilar) Info by Karine Sanche
Peter Luts Lasgo, AnnaGrace producer announced his next single of Groovewatchers( his new project) it's called "Sunshine" and is 2nd single, the first one was called "Sexy girl". More infos about "Sunshine" here.
Dj Encore - Out There!

Un nou single din partea lui Dj Encore! Daca nu va amititi de piesa "I see right trough 2 u", cantata alaturi de simpatica Egelina, va spun ca Dj Encore e la al2 lea album care se numeste "Unique" si a fost lansat anul trecut!
Piesa lansata de pe acest album e un "popfresh" dar nu iese din tiparul cu care ne a obisnuit Dj Encore!
Aah uitam nu e genul de piesa pentru un playlist de radio :-)
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