Kate Ryan will be on ZDF Fernsehgarten on 20th July the show will began at 12 Europe time.
Kate Ryan va fi pe 20 Iulie pe on ZDF Fernsehgarten show cu începere de la orele 13 ora României.
Milk inc the new album Forever reached the 1st place on Belgium album charts and is the first time when an album from Milk inc reached this position.
Ne cunoscuţi la noi dar foarte populari la ei ! Belgia ia răsplătit pe Regi si Linda cu un loc 1 in topul celor mai vândute albume din Belgia .
Thomas Anders has a new single called "Ibiza Baba Baya". According to his site, it's dance ! He should sing it on ZDF Fernsehgarten on August 3rd.
Thomas Anders are un nou single "Ibiza Baba Baya". Conform siteului oficial noul single va fi cântat pe 3 August la ZDF Fernsehgarten .
Scooter like always Viva Germany bring to us on August 1st Viva Spezial a live concert with H.P., Rick and Michael who will play at the Zitadelle Spandau in Berlin, one of the most famous and best preserved Renaissance fortresses in Europe. The perfect backdrop for the hot show of Scooter …
Ca deobicei Viva Germany ne va surprinde pe 1 August cu un concert live marca Scooter, H.P., Rick si Michael vor cânta la Zitadelle Spandau in Berlin, una din cele mai faimoase fortăreţe din Europa si un loc perfect pentru desfăşurarea acestui show.
Infos bring to us by Karine Sanche