Showing posts with label Ann Lee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ann Lee. Show all posts

Ann Lee - Save me

The voice of 2 times - Annerley Gordon came this year with a new single "Save Me" . Irony or not the single came out after the concert from Spain were Annerley sang "Saturday Night". And guess what ? She is Whigfield sorry i have the ear of music and i had the informations from some who worked there and said that in the period of 2 Times, a promoter didn't want to promote her cause was not a "sexy girl".
Also according to some sources Annerley was released from previous contract so for sure we can see the real Whigfield on stage, so expect the unexpected...

"Save me" can be found on all digital megastores and here 
 Follow Ann Lee here

Whigfield is coming back!?

Recently i read an info, that Whigfield's real voice  - Annerly Gordon, is preparing something new. Who knows maybe she will reveal that she is indeed - Whigfield. Till then we have to wait...

Some sources told me that in period when Annerly Gordon was promoting the project Ann Lee, a promotor was very upset, because he was aspecting something else .... and not her.  Searching and decoding i am sure that Annerly Gordon was and it is the voice of Whigfield, it's har to believe but let's give the credit to the ones who are real artists ....  

Special thanks to Trance House Vocalists

Magic in the air

Headless is coming with a great tune entitled Magic's in the air. A tune that has what it takes to be played on all radios.
This is not the only track launched bu dj and producer Headless Hey girl was another song with a lot of success in Europe.
About the new tune Magic's in the 
air, Emanuele explains: Magic's in the air talks about my passion for music" - said Emi - "that makes me lose and find in a world where only singing and happiness really count.
The tune can be found on all digital megastores under Offlimits label and was co wrote by Annerly Gordon.

Ann Lee

It's been a while from  Ann Lee latest single released, a tune launched with Favretto in 2009, and called "I get the Felling" . Now Ann Lee is ready to release another song called "Sound of the sea" who will be available in a few weeks on all digital platforms under Offlimits label.

Dr. Alban, Ann Lee

Dr Alban & Corona was invited last night on TF1 at "Le grand duel des generations", Dr.Alban sung his 90's hit "Sing Hallelujah" and Corona "The rhythm of the night".

Lasgo, Milk inc, Kate Ryan were nominated at MIA Awards you can vote for them here

Ann Lee made a song with Favretto, the track is called "I Get the Feeling" ,an energy-packed track where can be found here

Whigfield, Qlab, Jes, Ann Lee

Whigfield the new single will be called "No Doubt" a nice song for this period of time "a something more introspective and meditative". The single can be found on all digital megastores also on itunes.

Qlab is a dance project from Off limits label the last single from this project is called 2Speck .. yes to 2Speck your ears with captivating rhythm . The single is out now on all digital megastores you can buy it from here

Jes you can watch her latest performance here.

Ann Lee's new single "2 People" is available. She was also featured on Favretto's new single "I Get The Feeling", which should be out on December 11th as digital release (Thanks to Dance Music News) Buy it here Info by Karine Sanche

Ann Lee - interview

Hello Ann Lee, how did you start to work in music business?

I started off by sheer fluke-being in the right place at the right time with the right people knowing the right people etc etc etc! Even if singing professionally had always been a dream Iā€™d never taken it seriously because I thought I would never have what it takes!! So any aspirations were never really followed through until the opportunity really presented itself through Larry Pignagnoli and Off Limits.

Who had the idea of 2 Times video? Was inspired from Peter Gabriel Sledgehammer video?

Actually until you brought this to my mind Iā€™d never even considered the fact that structurally and cinematographically the two videos were similar! I remember perfectly the ā€œsledge videoā€ (love Peter Gabriel!) and my movements are in fact very similar - but I think the similarity ends there:
2 times is a little more play - about and very much more colourful ā€“ maybe lyrically the intention and message is similar - I donā€™t know - let me keep you posted on that one!

What you do before Ann Lee project?

I was basically just trying to get by really-working with an orchestra (not liking it too much asā€œmusica liscioā€ or ballroom dance music is not totally my scene! It was great doing choral work every so often with Larry but until 2 Times came along it wasnā€™t exactly paying the rent!

Why you took this break from music scene?

There is no point in working so hard (even if what I do seems a breeze - and I know that Iā€™m very lucky) if you canā€™t enjoy the fruits of your labour! Iā€™d recently bought a house here in Italy (well -a wreck of a house - it was practically rebuilt!) and then decide to plan for a child: my son was born in 2005 and for the first two years of his life I knew it was fundamental for him to have his mum around practically 24/7-hence the long pause: I would never have never given him to a
nanny to go on tour - in my opinion the two just donā€™t mix - having said that,some mums just have to but I was lucky enough to have some time off - and Iā€™d certainly do it again if necessary.

In 2007 you released your second album So alive. Can you spoke a little bit of that material, who wrote the songs?

From 2005 to 2007 there was an explosion of demos kinda ā€œlying in waitā€ at the studio - what I mean is that we were all writing material and testing it out on our various artists - so towards the end of 2006 there was a suprising amount of material to choose from: I wanted to involve as many writers as I could but also I chose the songs on the simple basis that if I liked them Iā€™d have them! Some pieces were elaborated for me by others, some were adapted by me and others were just fine as they were! For me the end result was a very satisfiying album mirroring a grown up Ann Lee! In fact seeing as Ann Lee had been away for what seemed like a life - time but infact wasnā€™t, I decided to call the LP SO ALIVE so that I could get across the fact that I AM so alive!!!

Do you have in mind to release a single from So Alive?

Probably not - almost certainly not - I wanna get working on new material-after all SO ALIVE was released in 2007 - two and a half years ago! WOW how time flies!!

What is your favorite tune from this material ?

Without hesitation I can say Moonlight Dancing written by Diane Warren for Bette Midler on Broadway-brilliant! After that come Just An Hour - great lyrics and a great ā€œMadonna-likeā€ mix!

I know that you released a new single 2 People ? Has a story the tune? The track will be fallow by an video?

I donā€™t know if the song has a specific story behind it or if it comes from any personal experience - the song was written for me by others. There may be a video but I honestly couldnā€™t tell you at this point!

Are you working at a new material ? When will be released?

Iā€™m always trying out new stuff so anything specific or actual release dates shouldnā€™t be too long!

What is the best thing that happened in you life ?

My son is obviously the very best Iā€™ve become a much better person since heā€™s been around!

Whoā€™s ā€œardent criticā€ of your work (in the good way)?

I have some really good friends from the Bergamo area (a city near to Milan) who always stand by me but never tell me only what I want to hear - that just wouldnā€™t be right would it! I think they know more about my music than I do!!!!!!!!!!!!

What will your future projects ?

I have no idea about future projects at the moment - what I DO know is Iā€™m keeping my fingers
crossed that:
a) there will be many;
b) that they involve singing writing and performing;
c) that there are still people around who want to work with me and believe in me!

What do you hate the most?

The thing I hate most ā€“ and what has always made me angry is a lack of punctuality: those who make it a habit of not arriving at a place or at an appointment on time, 9 times out of 10 show general disinterest and lack of respect towards others - not nice! I also hate liars thieves and disonesty (as do most of us).

Any message to your fans and to other people ?


Thank you so much for according this interview

Special Thanks to Ann Lee & Off Limits Production

C.C Catch, Sandy Chambers,Ann Lee,Akcent

CC Catch For those of you who love disco music of 80's, i have a great news, the queen of disco CC Catch will be on tour, Friday will be invited on romanian talk show talking about her future plans and projects..
I will come with more infos Friday, April 10 .

Sandy Chambers ( Double you, JK, Benassi Bros.) it's working in studio at a new single,she said that will be a big surprise for dance lovers. The single will be lunched at the begining of the summer the name is unknown yet.

Ann Lee after of 9 years of silence, Ann lee thought that is the time to comeback, now it's working at new material with her producer Benny Benassi. The first single will be released in the summer.

Dance floor chart This week Basshunter with his song Walk on water is # 9, Steve Angelo VS Robyn S -Show me love # 4, Kate Ryan Ella Elle L'a # 2..
My big question is for MTV Dance what she's doing Britney Spears in this top!??...Next who will be .... Paris Hilton!?
You can vote for Kate & BassHunter here

Akcent the boyband released in Romania their second single called "That's my name", the single it's from their latest album "Fara Lacrimi(Without Tears). The Album can be found Here
Thanx for the info to Adi Preda