Aqua According to STV facility an Aqua Live DVD is planned to be released .They followed the group and had filmed the full Aqua concerts in Odense and Valby Park in Copenhagen including back stage impressions of the band.
The upcoming Green tour 2008 DVD will be released for promotional purposes.
Conform STV un DVD cu Aqua este planificat sa apara in acest an cu concertele din Odense, Valby Park inclusiv impresii ale membrilor trupei.
Alcazar performed live Mälarpaviljongen on 31 July. An unplugged show were the group played 8 songs.
Alcazar au avut un concert la Mälarpaviljongen pe 31 iulie, in acel concert au cantat 8 dintre succesele lor live.
Infernal album will be released on 11th August 2008 and will be called Electric Cabaret
Noul album Infernal “Electric Cabaret” va fi lansat pe 11 august 2008.
Double You Dj Ross released on April 3 2008 a single with Double You called Change and a slow song only for Brazil, called You, My Love
Dj Ross a lansat pe 3 Aprilie un single cu Double you numit “Change” , Double you tot in acest an a mai lansat o piesa pentru piata muzicala din Brazilia, numita You, My love ,
Arash Announcement
Make your own video to Arash new song "Suddenly"!
Have fun, sing, dance... be creative!
Upload on youtube! (you need an account)
Email the URL to
Arash anunta pe cei interesati , sa faca o versiune proprie a clipului “Suddenly” totzi cei interesati pot rimite linkurile pe
Lori Glori (Intermission, Loft, Dj Bobo) fithing for her name. A guy used her name to promote himself entire material u can watch on bild.
The material can be seen
HERELori Glori va da in judecata pe travestitul care ii foloseste numele … Lory Glory ne-a declarat "ca nu vrea ca numele ei sa fie luat in bataie de joc" ..
Materialul facut de cei de la Bild poate fi urmarit
Dj Mag the contest for the best Dj of the world has began u can vote your fav dj on Dj Mag!!