Showing posts with label Alexia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alexia. Show all posts

Alexia a new real story!

Recently in a live stream Alexia shared a story with her fans why was hidden in the previous projects that she collaborate .

In the video "Think about the way" made with Ice Mc, who  was a huge hit,  another person appear, and did the role.... Why!? said Alexia,  because i was not a commercial face at that time...

Many of you  are asking when the reunion with Ice MC, i think , never 'cause Ice don't want to share .. and like we all know Alexia is open ...but rappers like in many other projects don't want to share with original singers, and is better to find more cheap vocalists instead.

Anyway also Alexia  mentioned that is open for collaborations with young artists more infos you can find on her social pages:

My interview with Alexia here

The Queen is back

After a silence the queen is back with a new single ,and video inspired by Dua Lipa's video IDAF. Alexia song is called "Come la vita in genere"

Alexia and Sanremo

Alexia one of the 90s legends of eurodance, but also the queen of this genre, is not a title gave by me, just by the press, confess with a new edition of Italian festival Sanremo, that is cheering the participants, and also saying that it's a good experience. o

 Today begins, that week... for those who do my job, and participate in the Sanremo Festival is the most important event of the year. For me Sanremo, has always been synonymous with great satisfaction. I participate in 2002 with "Dimmi Come" when everyone thought I was foreigner , and few knew me, and I came out almost a winner (like the lion I had to wait a year later with "Per dire di no"  a song written together with Alberto Salerno I won the big prize:))
 It is a special, and exciting stage, and I wish all my colleagues to enjoy it to the end! #sanremo2019 

Musically speaking, Alexia is preparing a new album this year, and recently came from Japan where she had a tour in the most important cities and performing live  all her success in unplugged versions all the videos can be found on Alexia instagram.

Alexia a new video

Italian singer Alexia known as The Queen of Eurodance (name gave by international press, and not by me) is back with a new material entitled - Tu Puoi se vuoi - If want you can get it. An material wrote by the singer in italian. For me is so strange that she choose italian, because  years ago in a interview gave to italian television RAI...i think it was on promotion tour of Happy, Alexia confess that she hate to hear her voice in italian, and that's why she choose english. In 2015 it seems that Alexia forgot what she said and now is ready to conquer italian public with this,  a material  who demonstrate the 4th souls of the artist: Soul music, Pop, Rock and Dance. Genres that the singer loves and transformed her in who she is now...
It's an album with an unique sound, energetic, true.. any song tells a story of this genre, and the feeling to start a new road... If you want you can get it, and the world don't accept only the words... Alexia

The new video will be out later this month right now the singer is preparing the final retouch of the video

The new video from Alexia is almost ready

Alexia is coming back this spring with a new video, the news was shared by the singer on her private page.
Alexia is the most known artist in eurodance industry, she sold over 6 millions records worldwide with 10 top singles of which 4 number-one hits, and numerous international sales certifications. She gather many music critics awards especilly on Sanremo, and was named by international press The queen of eurodance. A little lady with a strong voice that she impress not only the critics but also the Spice Girls. Right now the singer is preparing a new material for her fans, and this month will be out the video that will promote the future album.

Alexia is returning with a new material

The eurodance singers who sold 7 millions records world wide, announced her fans that her next album will be out this year. Alexia didn't tell a date or what genre is this new material but she mentioned  a sad news about a colleague friend who recently passed away .

I want to start the year with a happy message about my newest album that will be out soon, but my enthusiasm was vanished by the sad news,  about my colleague and dearest musician Pino Daniele. Many artists most of them colleagues, and friends left  this world to soon...And the only thing left from is the melancholy and wonderful music.... said Alexia

Alexia involved in A song for Genova campaign

The eurodance singer Alexia accepted the invitation to participate at Una canzone per Genova, a campaign for raise money for the people of Genova who lost their homes because of landslip, Alexia she will participate with Uh lala her 90s hit according to her official statement.

Alexia got involved in Una canzone per Genova charity campaign, a charity which is raising for Genova flood victims.

More infos about this campaign here

I do not

"I do not" it's called the new video from Alexia, the original name is "Io No" and is the 2nd single from Alexia future material.
It's nice it's funny and very catchy....


Alexia "If you do dance you are not taken seriously"

This was the message  gave by Alexia to a morning radioshow. Asked what she things about the nowdays trends in music, Alexia said :

"In 90s i was doing dance, and was not took seriously as an artist, after the participation at Sanremo and  changing my style, and now when dance is back they ask me why not to comeback on dance,  because you are the best!... 

Alexia also metioned that will participate at Sanremo preselection with 2  tracks, and she's very nervous hoping that the tracks will be selected by the judges:

"Even that my songs will be not selected on preselection, i'm not worry, because i'm working on my next album and will be included" said Alexia    

Alexia was on of the best dance voices in the 90's till 2000 when she decided to take a turn in music, doing more pop rock to be credible, and taken seriously by critics.

Bad Copy

I don't know who is her hair stylist but i really don't like the new look of Alexia.. looks like a bad copy of Madonna....

You tell!!

Alexia back to "origins"

Today on Alexia website i just read the news that she will come back this year with a new collaboration. The collaboration will be made with her old friend - Ice Mc... Yes it's true!!

Alexia is one of the most prolific and successfull eurodance artist, among the years she gain many awards but the most important are the ones from  Sanremo.

Alexia became famous after the collaboration with Ice Mc in 94 on "Ice'n Green (album)" released under Robyx label, after that in '95 launched the first solo single called "Me & You" who reached the top spot in Italy and in Spain.
In '97 she release the album called "FanClub" loved by critics, and considered one of the best Eurodance albums of the year.

At that time the italian press and not only named her "The Queen of Eurodance" not only by her look were impressed  but also by her strong voice.

 Alexia  wanna it to do some more at that time .. not being just "the pretty face who sings only dance ", and in 2002 she decided to release an album in Italy, and to participate at italian festival Sanremo.

Eleven years after  from her  latest dance album "Mad for Music" , Alexia is trying to turn back to her "roots" - Dance Music "
The new single with Ice Mc will be posted on her website in a couple of days...

Welcome Back Ale' !

Goodbye but not for long by Alexia

Alexia just announced in recent interview that will be back probably next year.
After a long break taking care of her second child born 4th of July 2011, the Eurodance queen will back on stage next spring..The announced was made last week in a recent interview gave to OKMalta "Iā€™m working on new song, and I have intention to come back in studio to record, in October 2011. And on tour next spring " said Alexia

If you want to read the hole interview here

Dance News

XSession the belgian dance project is back with a new single, Gene Thomas and Gina Brondeel aka XSession launched on April 4th the tune "Come Together". The song can be found on Come Together - Single - X-session.

Sqeezer On official FB account Jim Reeves spread the news that his 90's project will be back this summer with a new material, but didn't mentioned the name of the new song.

Katerine said one her official twitter account that is working on her future material that will be released later this year.

Colonia is back witah a new single Marionette preview of the new song here.

Karma's new single is "Recept za krizu" (The recipe for a crisis) preview here.

Layzee launched his newest single "Summertime" made in collaboration with Kendrick, the tune sounds a little bit LMFAO's hit "Party Rock Anthem" preview here

Alcazar are back with a new single called "Feel 4 you", preview here

Alexia gave birth to a beautiful girl called Margherita.
About our poll was send to Alexia manager and we hope that will recive a positive replay, thanks for your support.

Dance updates

ATB announced on his official FB account that the new material is almost done right now is doing vocal recordings for the album. The new material will be out later this year.

Liza Da Costa Captain Jack lead singer is preparing a new video called "Passarinho - Little Bird", the single will promote the future material Hotel Bossanova - "BOSSANOMIA".

Cascada gave an interview to Capital Fm were she explain her success, and she talked about the new material.
Natalie : "Will be the same cool eurodance stuff but also we tried and something different".
Cascada new single will be released next week and it's called "Enemy". more details here

Terri B! finished a new single called "Flirt" made in collaboration with John Dahlback, the single is out now and can be found here.

DaBlitz Vivian B made a new song with italian artist Fabio, the tune is called "Anima nell'anima"(Soul to soul) and was released on itunes.

Alexia just announced on her FB that is expecting a new baby..
Alexia: "The new year has begun in the best way for me and I decided to share with you just because of the affection that I have a good news to you: I will give a little sister to Maria Vittoria! I do not know how the call but I know it will be a great joy, I hope you can feel with me!"

Dance Updates

Alexia gave an interview to italian televison Rai 1 where she spooked about the changes in her life..
Alexia said : All the "mistakes" i made in the past were transformed in the "Dimmi Come (Don't you Know)" the song that bring me the success on italian market but not only.
Alexia also explained that Maria Vittoria, her daughter is responsable for Alexia new transformation, right now the dance diva  is on tour in Italia promoting her last material "Stars".

UltraNate release her new single called "Turn it up", the single would include also remixes from Wawa Electro and dj master Paul Oakenfold, a preview of the single here

Da Blitz On internet appeared an remix of Da Blitz hit single "Movin On 2010" by Beakdawner &The Fish Market Bootleg Mix, Vivian B confirmed that would be a remix of the single but not this one. ( Thanks to Vivian B)

Eurodance News

Alexia single "Grande Coraggio" will be included on Christmas compilation "CARO PAPA' NATALE 3( Dear Santa Claus)".

Schiller just released his new video "Always you" made with french singer Anggun, the video can be seen here.

Dj Jose A polish project called Wet Fingers covered Dj Jose hitsingle "Like that".

Akcent new single it's called "My Passion" and was released last week in Romania. Video can be seen here.

Arsenium Ex O-zone member came on the spotlight with a new song called "Minimum", the tune it's ballad, more here.

Whigfield wrote "Semanas" the new song from Soncini starring Carine, more infos about this track can be found here.

LayZee(Mr.President) new single it's called "Thankful" a song made with Robert Jan van der Toorn ( Papa bear, Nana,Marky Mark).

Alexia, Helena Paparizou

Alexia In a recent interview gave to InFly, said that she is working on new tracks that will be included on the future material, an material that also will be in italian .
Alexia said "Many of my collaborators asking me to make some pop dance but i'm not into it anymore, because i can't express my feelings like i wish too".
In old interview gave to Rai 1 right on period release of her new album "Happy", to be more precisely in '99 she was asked by Carlo Conti  why she sing in english and not italian... Alexia answer was that she hate to listen her voice in italian.. and  few years later she conquered the italian public on Sanaremo with "Dimmi Come ".
So in the near future will be dance or pop/rock !? A question that only time can answer it....

Helena Paparizou presented on MAD Music awards 2010, were she won an award for Best Video, 2 new tracks in english "Dancing without music/ Together".

Alexia, Ultra Beat, Armin van Buuren

Alexia said in a recent interview: "I do music only for my fans, only they counts for me".
Alexia recently released her 15th album from her career called "Stars" and the story of this material it's very simple : "How TV system is manipulating young people!" more here

Ultra Beat the british group based in Liverpool release a new single called "Bring It Back", the tune was released on September 1st via itunes and beatport.

Armin van Buuren was nominated at Golden Gnome Award in the category ā€˜Best International DJā€™ you can vote here, recently is working with Nadia Ali at "Feels So Good" video and his next single released from  album "Mirage".

Kristina W, Ou Est Le Swimming Pool, Alexia

Kristina W release the new material "Straight Up With a Twist" a double CD with the hottest singles like "Feel What You Want" or "What I Like About You", the material was released on September 14th and can be found here.

Ou Est Le Swimming Pool are an English synthpop, and they brooke the international dance charts with the single "Dance The Way I Feel" a single from their debut album "The Golden Year" after "Dance The Way I Feel" was released "These New Knights" and on October 1st will be release and the 3rd single called "Jackson's Last Stand" from the same album , if you like La Roux for sure you love and this "mysterious" band.

Alexia The eurodance queen and the one who made eurodance heard around the world with her super voice, gave us an exclusive interview were she talks about her new album or if is true the fact  that she quit  eurodance,  find out here . ( Special Thanks to Alexia and to Alessandra Ballarini Energy Production )

Alexia, Ace of Base

Alexia This week eurodance diva Alexia is special quest on Fatti Vostri the tv show broadcast by italian television Rai 2, you can see Alexia performing live with her band. Yesterday she sung "I dreamed a dream" her 2nd single from "Stars album" launched in May. The single can be found here.

Ace of Base 2010 release in Germany the album "The Golden Ratio", the material includes 12 tracks, all wrote by Ulf and Jonas.