Toni Cotura (former member Fun Factory) helped the romanian singer Corina to do her new album. The album will be released at the end of this month.
Toni Cotura e vinovat de noul material semnat Corina. Materialul va iesi la sfarsitul acestei luni, a declarat Corina intr-un interviu dat in emisiune lu' Teo.
Basto! the belgian dj known for his songs "Rock with you", "My own" in colaboaration with the Lasgo producer Peter Luts, has lunched his new single called "Kiss yourself". The song can be listen HERE
Noul single al lui Basto! se numeste "Kiss yourself" si poate fi ascultat HERE
Amber will shoot a video the name of the song is unknown the only think that Amber said that will be a cover song .
Amber va filma un nou video. Piesa nu este cunoscuta inca dar Amber ne-a declarat ca va fi o surpriza placuta ..
IIONadia Ali(former IIO vocalist) has lunched her new song called "Crush & Burn". U can listen the song HERE
Noul single semnat Nadia Ali se numeste "Crush & Burn"