Bad Boys Blue single "Still In Love" reached # 1 on European DJ Charts Top 30 & # 18 on Ballermann Charts Juli 2008.
Singleul celor de la BBB continua sa "rupa" topurile, # 1 in European DJ Charts Top 30 & # 18 in Ballermann Charts Iulie 2008.
Captain Jack finally the new single is ready and the guys did and video who can be watched on official website.
The single is called “Turkish Bazar” who will be released in august and the album on September 19.
Dupa atatea promisiuni ca vor reveni sub o noua formula, cei de la Cpt. Jack s-au tinut de cuvant in August vor lansa singlul “Turkish Bazar” la care i-au facut si un clip, urmand ca albumul sa fie lansat in luna Septembrie pe 19.

Kate Ryan Ella Elle L'a is at # 4 in the official Swedish Chart 'Hitlistan'. The track has been in the top 10 for more than 10 weeks now, reached the number 1 position in the Itunes chart in Spain!.
Ella elle l'a ocupa locul #4 in topul suedez, iar in cel din Spania locul 1.

Milk Inc. will perform their next live performance at Suikerrock at Tienen. After this performance Regi will also do a Dj set to close the Friday program of Suikerrock 2008.
Milk inc vor avea un concert live la Suikerrock Tienen,iar Regi va mixa la sfarsitul acestui festival.
Sylver will be appeared in an episode of the music program 'Tien Om Te Zien' on VTM. They will bring their latest single 'One World, One Dream'.
Sylver au cantat aseara noua lor piesa la VTM, "One world one dream"
Here it is the video of the song:

Nylon Beat The most recent gig was in Helsinki at Maestro 31. December 2003, but the summer of 2007 duo made two "mini comeback gigs". Erin moved back to Finland and gonna release solo album this autumn. Jonna also making own music. Erin's latest interview: Here
Noutati despre Nylon Beat, fetle au revenit in 2007 pentru un comeback, iar in aceasta toamna Erin va lansa noul ei album solo.
Thanx for this info to Mike