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What i Need by Linn Maria

Linn Maria the lead vocalist from Sonic Dream Collective, came this year with a touching song called "What i need " and  was recorded  as theme song for her upcoming book ”Ett sorgkantat mirakel” (A sad miracle”).  

The song What I need is a beautiful summary of the message that was  record it as a theme song for my upcoming book ”Ett sorgkantat mirakel” (A sad miracle”).  The book is about how "We go on in life "after loss and grief and when our lifes don’t turn out the way We wished and planned. The background, is our oldest son, and the accident he had five years ago that changed him and us forever.  Linn Maria

Linn Maria was famous in Estern of Europe with the project Sonic Dream Collective where she hit the charts with  Don't go breaking my heartOh baby all and I wonder why  from the most underrated  eurodance album Gravity. But also  "Love" from Dustproof who was the theme of Dancemania.  

The new single "What i Need" can be found on Spotify

Nina's interview

For some that last monday didn't attend the show here it is the interview .

Thank you so much Nina for your energy and fot this to finally happen.