Maloy exchanged with 18 years old girl

                                              Photo : Maloy
Everyone is the New Year Eve fever including Maloy Lozanes (Shaun Baker, Captain jack). The singer last weekend went to buy some few things for New Year party, but her happy mood  was already deleted by salesman asking her id.
The funny story was shared with her fans on a famous social network :

Bought loads of fireworks yesterday. The cashier looked at me intently & said:
CASHIER: I need to see your ID.
ME: You're joking, right? I assure you, I'm over 18 yrs. old.
CASHIER: Sorry, but I have to be sure. Some teenagers had been trying to masquerade as adults today so they can get away with buying dangerous fireworks.
ME: Really? Okay... (gave her my ID).  
said amused Maloy
Recently the singer launched a new single made with her brother, and entitled No Boobs.  It's satirical  song about what's going on in most music videos nowadays. Preview here

The nudity in music videos

The times we are living are the  rush ones, gadgets  invaded  the markets :  smartphones, tablets smart tv's and high speed   internet are in every house.
It's the era of  new technologies, and it's nothing wrong because this gadgets are part of our life somehow.
 I will start this article saying a story that i was part of. A few weeks ago i saw a children watching music videos is nothing wrong no!? Yeah nothing wrong when you have  a5 year old birthday, and all the quests are watching  dance videos with naked girls.
And the father was very proud saying that it's her boy birthday and it's not the first time when he's watching this..
We all know that at this age the children are very receptive and are copying what they see on tv.

So i decided to do some research and talk with people about this matter: nudity in mass media in music video especially. And i found in a research made by University in Hawaii   and  RAND corporation Study about this problem, and they say:

Children are easily  influenced and will often model what they see, this is why age is important factor to consider when children are watching tv. Young children cannot differentiate between what is real and what is not.
Because of this they become vulnerable to what is shown to them on Tv, frequently adopting the attitudes and behaviors portrayed. Other negative effect are disinhibition the bystander effect and fear.
Disinhibition is when a person has a reduced ability to restrain themselves in a impulsive situation. Also the presence of sexual activity in a video can also greatly influence the attitudes of children mainly adolescents.
Sexual activity has been portrays more of recreational activity leading many  youths  to behave more promiscuously and engage in sex at earlier age. 
Within the past few years the amount of sexual content shown on television has doubled and in those portrayals little is said about the consequence of unprotected sex. Although there are other factors that influence teen pregnancy the journal of pediatrics recently established a link between television viewing  and teen pregnancy. Adolescents  who have high levels of exposure to media that contain sexual content are twice as likely to be involved  in a pregnancy over the following three years as their peers who watch few such shows according to a RAND corporation Study.

Sexual content  shown on Tv especially in music videos has a bad influence to the youth especially the 4-5 years old.

So i asked people about the sexual content shown in music videos and their negative effect on children.

Dr. Ana Neamtu : Yes of course letting your child watching Tv especially music videos with mature content, on long term the side effects is sexual inhibition.
Inhibition : A mental state or condition in which the varieties of expression and behaviour of an individual become restricted.  

Alina Cojocaru (psychotherapist & study abroad  counseller) :  Yes,the  problem letting your child watching tv on mature content that now is everywhere especially on music videos .The parents must do schedule with hours spent on tv  combined with fun activities . 

Catalina Neata (psychotherapist):  Off course are the bad examples and one of side effect are  habit disorders that on long term are producing anxiety, sexual dereglation - inhibition. Are of main causes of mature sexual content shown in music videos and on tv. 

Loredana Ungureanu (parent ): I decide what my little girl is watching, i have the remote, but also i'm very pleased that she is in a kindergarden were activities are full with programs for her age so from this part i'm not so concerned. 

Irina Isac(teacher) Is a big problem because, for parents is so easy to let you child in a front of tv and you, parent are free for few hours to do what you want, but also a problem  for those who are promoting this kind of music letting on the first place the popularity of the video, or the show without knowing that children  can watch this with or without permission. 
Parents must do many recreative activities with their children, we all know that we leaving in times where work is on the first place, but the more important is the health of your child who later are  becoming grown man with some issues, big issues.

Doll who looks like Helena Paparizou?

Tonner doll is known by doll collectors the website were they can find dolls not for babies but for the old babies if i can say that - art collectors.
People around the world are visiting this website to buy dolls with clothes made by famous designers, and one of them is Tyler Wentworth.
If your are looking for christmas present for your girl i think is the best choice,anyway between the new collection i found also the doll who looks exactly like Helena Paparizou, and is from Fall collection.
I think the creators of the doll are fans of greek singer and ESC winner because the doll looks exactly like her.
For more infos about this doll here Helena Doll

Bob Sinclair - Cinderella

The Jesus of dancefloor - Bob Sinclair is back with Cinderella a nice tunes that has the summer flavour. Recently Bob Siclair appeared in italian magazine Vanity Fair were he pose like a real model and he confess how is to Bob Sinclair  a name brought from 70's french movie - Bob Saint Clair.
Asked how he  won his shyness the dj answered: After i lost 2 kilos of sweat in front of millions.
Cinderella is available world wide on all digital platforms.

Schiller Radio Show

Christopher von Deylen aka Schiller is coming back after his album release Opus with  a radio show. The artist explained that it's a project that  he's been awaiting for along time and now is confirmed. It's a radio show entitled Schiller Lounge broadcast in more then 300 german cities.
The premiere was last saturday on KlassikRadio.