Rednex is back

After so many changes in the group singers who had something  with real RedNex. The swedish project Rednex is back with a new team: Dagger, Ace Ratclaw,  Joe Cagg,  Abby Hicks, Dakotah, and Misty Mae.

The band explains on his website why this turn:

  In January 2012 did Rednex develop and introduce a new idea. This idea is totally unproven and unheard of in the music industry, so basically in Rednex terms, pretty much the way we have always done things... a bit different...

We now have a larger community of performers, a ”pool” of artists that in total make up more than one Rednex set-up. The days of a permanent band is gone, though on stage we will normally perform with one girl and three guys (as we have done since 1998).

As you know, Rednex has changed performers many times and have had 15 performers in total up until 2011 with various different set-ups (see a collection of them below), so in a way, this new idea is not entirely new, but boosted towards greater freedom and flexibility.

This idea will create more freedom for all performers and the Rednex group itself since Rednex will not be entirely dependent on one single performer. This makes it possible for Rednex to always play anywhere at anytime.

In this original idea will be included also the previous singer Mary Joe who was responsible of Rednex successes:  Cotton eye Joe,  Old Pop In An Oak ,Wish You Were Here, Spirit Of The Hawk and many others.

Recently they start tour  in Europe , but nothing about  a new material.

D-Bag feat. The Marphoi Project - Behind These Words

Behind these of words is the new masterpiece from producer of Pomp nelle case, Issima, Mamma  and Dolce & Gabbana - D-bag .
It's a talent italian producer producer who already show his versatility and ability to adapt to different sounds on Pong and this new tune Behind these words.
It's a track more darker then his previous tracks explaining the paranoia of people who believes in something who doesn't exist.

D-BagThis tune that i recently launched on FlatFrog with The Marphoi Project it's about paranoia. Something that we create with our own imagination, but in the end  we found out that - is just an Illusion.

"Behind these words" is an electro tune combined with the fascinating vocals of The Marphoi Project. It's original piece released in the market full of paranoia - were nothing is original just - Illusions.

It's been a good year for Lasgo

It's been a good year for lead singer Jelle van Dael (Lasgo). The singer announced  on her twitter account that she's really happy of the year that is almost gone, she had a lot of projects in 2013 and this week she had finally the time to buy a car that she's really like. (It's a korean car)

I'm really happy that finally i got the time to buy this week a car that i love very much. said Jelle

About Lasgo the singer is writting songs but right now the producer Peter Luts is really busy with his own project, and we don't know when new things from Lasgo will come out.
 Their latest release was Feeling Alive, launched last summer.

Kyra's next single revealed

Last summer on June 6th i posted a news about Kyra the lead singer of Pharao.
The singer explained that 2013 is the year when she will coming back on dance scene with new tunes.

2013 will be the return of Kyra. We finished right now the first single. A collaboration with well known house producer and dj BK Duke (Pacha Rec.)

And she's coming, like she said with a collaboration between german dj BK Duke and Lazard.  And the single is "6 o'clock (we rock)".

Asked BK Duke when will be release the dj answered:  We don't know a exactly date of this single because the label didn't tell  us. Until now we organized some new remixes, and we expect news from them. But i can tell you the name of the single  "6 o'clock (we rock)", a song that was made with me - BK Duke, Lazard, Kyra and Will Gibbs.


Andrea Britton changed her look

                                                      Photo Andrea Britton 
The vocal trance singer Andrea Britton posted a picture with a new look on her twitter account. Saying that it's time for a new change. 
Asked why this change the singer answered that is the new look for the forthcoming single that will be released soon. 
Andrea Britton is a British trance vocalist  known after her club hits Am I on Your Mind? (Oxygen) , Winter (DT8 Project), Counting down the days (Sunfreakz) Catch a fall (4strings), but also o good songwriter.