Life is the best practice - Agnieshka JD

Like i promise last week-end,  here it is my new interview with Terri B! & Gerald G manager - Agnieshka JD
I hope you'll enjoy reading and learn something... ;) 

Hi Tavi, 
Thank you for your invitation .

Could you explain us your job? 
Yes, sure. As you know the music business is changing quickly. We need to observe industry, be predictable and analyze what we should do to satisfy our fans and it’s a really hard job. It’s impossible to satisfy everyone, so there will be always a ‘black sheep’ that will criticize what we do. Feedback is good! Now back to your question I’m doing personal management. I do management for Terri B & Gerald G in Europe. 
What it means for sure you will ask me, so I’m working with the radio stations because we have with Terri the show called ‘The Housecrunch’. Our show actually is played in 27 radio stations all over the world. It takes a lot of time to produce a show and be happy with the results. Some people will say that they are able to create a show in one hr. Of course they can. But quality is very bad. We focus on quality, we invite upcoming artists like: Adam M & Luca ETB (right now no1 in Egypt), Dave Manna from Australia, Dona Nova, Sean Finn, Chris Kaeser, etc. Besides the show also I’m working on bookings. I cooperate with our agents from Russia, Australia, USA, Italy, France, Hungary and Germany on events. We need to be very careful with agreement that we sign with people. Also I cooperate with labels and producers. We work together on promotion of the tracks/videos, interviews. We have of course a large part of the job which is a lot of fun, which include working in the studio, working on tracks, lyrics, etc. I have to be a good friend of google, and search for information about and for us.
 It’s really important to be updated about events and the industry.Terri’s songs are some of the most remixed songs in the club music industry so we are really happy that people love what we do and they want to be part of it. 

 Are you a singer too ? 
Well, I can sing, but I’m not a professional singer. Maybe when Terri will be retired of singing (that never happens ;) so than she will let me to sing :)) 

It's hard to work with artists ? 
At times it can be complicated and sometimes the situations are difficult. I was lucky that I work with professional artist and they know what they want to achieve so when we work together we work hard and efficient. 

Do you think Poland it's a good market for european music ? 
Yes. Right now music industry in Poland is changing. Of course, public radio stations are mainly still commercial music. If you want to look for more exotic and diverse music you have to search the internet. I’ve been observing what is going in Poland and number of online radio stations are playing an interesting of niche music. That means there is a new demand for it. 

 Why, from your point of view euro dance music is not so much appreciated outside Europe? 
Well.. answer is simple. Outside Europe people have different music taste. Look how many cultures we have, but you see that European markets love latin music and times are changing 

How important is a manager in artist life many thinks that it's easy job.. answering telephones, emails, sending requests etc. Do you think without a management team, an artist can be promoted? 
Of course if you are an artist and you want to work as your own agent, you can be successful too. Look at Dj Antoine. He is doing everything by his own and he is doing well. Manager supports an artist. This is important in this business. Most of the people just sign you and you don’t see any action. Managers give feedback, work hard to support an artist in every possible way. The artist performs, and I’m there to organize everything. Performing and traveling is time consuming and very tiring. 

How is a typical day ?
I wake up, checking emails, replying to them, call Terri and talking with her. We create a plan of what to do and we work on it. Usually we have to plan everything for upcoming weeks/months like bookings, track releases, etc. 

What kind of music to listen, often ?
Depends on my mood. When I drive a car I listen our housecrunch show. Just to be sure that everything is ok. When I’m at home, facebook is full of demos from different artists so I’m listening what they do because maybe there is an upcoming star that we can create and support. I really love r’n’b and I’m so happy that in USA there is a trend for singing covers. It’s a great idea because sometimes no current singers is better than the original. I really like Craig David. He is a great artist.  
Agnes, do you think scandals can help or not an artist?
In Poland we say: it doesn't matter what they say, important is that they talk about you. But in my opinion black PR it’s not good for an artist. People are very naive, and they easily swallow what we are saying to them. They don’t have a feeling to check if it is the truth.

Which training did you follow to learn your current job? 
Life ;) I’ve learned all by my own. This is the best practice. 

How many people are usually involved in the promotion process of a release? 
It depends on how large and extensive the promotion is. Some people are working on radio stations and interviews. Some on the promotion of the videos on tv. So my answer would be i’m multitasking with the label at all times. 

I know you and Terri B! are working on many projects - The HouseCrunch is one of them but also the remix contest. Can you give me more details about that contest!?
Sure. I came up with idea that in this world there are so many talented people and that we should give them a chance to show their talent. Not everyone in this world is wealthy and have connections. Sometimes it takes a lot to get started. We want to help these kind of rising artist who are just trying to release a track and they believe in what they represent.  more infos here

Can you tell us how many country's applied for that contest ? 
All over the world. We received applications from Australia, USA, and Europe of course. 

About, The HouseCrunch can you speak a little bit  ?
The HouseCrunch is my favorite show, created 6 years ago, by TERRI B! is a bi-monthly show. In previous shows we invited guests like: Adam M & Luca ETB, Donna J. Nova, Dave Manna or Gabry Sagrimento. Finally, I encouraged Terri, who is a producer and engineer to mix the show on her own more often, so upcoming shows will be more of the music she feels represents her style of EDM. 
 I’m really happy and proud of her !!! in previous shows you could hear styles like: deep house, electro, house and progressive. Upcoming shows will be more soulful but still house mixed with electro. Our special guest will still appear from time to time. Terri has will DJ in Nice, France at the High Club in October, as both vocalist and dj so i really changed her direction a bit, so we can see all of her capabilities.

I got many emails from new artists to promote them and help them to make it in this industry. What advise do you have for them ? 
I receive plenty emails with questions can I help them to be visible in this industry. I think the best advice is people think they are artists because they use Ableton Live and they can create a songs. Look at soundcloud or mixcloud. Those portals are spammed by unknown artists with bad music. You have to search deep and wide to find a good production, but it’s possible! If you want to work as a management and you have problem with whom to work and you have good taste in music, reach out to people who you want to work with. Sometimes they respond. In Poland I have many talented friends like The Structure, Barillo or prof Sibertin. 

Do you sometimes dream of becoming an artist yourself? 
No. I feel good to be part of my artists life and it’s enough for me. I love the industry of electronic music and music is my life. 

What are the future projects ? 
We have so many projects to finish and continue with Terri, so future I hope will be sunny and bright! We plan a new US Tour, Asia, Brazil and she is about to release a single with Sean Finn. I have gotten Terri to radio stations all over the world. Her latest single "I’m alive" is playing in The US and Austrailia, picking up heavy video rotation as well. She isn't slowing down, so neither am I. 

                                               For more infos please visit: 

20 years of hardcore

It's been almost 20 years since Scooter released his first single  "Hyper Hyper" it was something new and unique on that period and responsables of that sound were :  HP Baxxter,  Rick J. Jordan and Michael Simon.
Scooter is not only a german hardcore band but the longest one, even if there were some members changes the band released every year a material and it's a rare thing in EDM that a band  with success to resist so much in top, another one i think is Dj Bobo..
Anyway the german band are celebrating this days the 20 years from their 1st debut and their record label made a double cd entitled   'The Ultimate Aural Orgasm' (20 Years Of Hardcore Expanded Edition) more here

Pandora - A life of eurodance star

                                           Photo: Pia Lindhe Rudolf

Many of us are thinking that being a start is like living  a god live eating ambrosia everyday, bad lucks and hard times are not something ordinary for them.
But sometimes when young artists achieving the music success  they become "Idols" it's a big word to define them because the signification is: a false God  or "something visible but without substance" i think the last one  is the right one :)
Life sometimes, can wake you up on your feet to realize who you are, and what you are!?
In this dance area  few are artists with the feet on the ground and Anneli Pandora is one of them.
No it's not my intention to wrote positively about her,  but it is what it is. and what i see, she answers to all her fans even she has more important things to do but the most important they treat them like her friends.
In this "world " it's something  rare and bizarre that artists to talk with ordinary and few are artists like her example :  Daniela Galli, LayZee,Stay-C, Simone Denny, Melody Castellari, Samira, Ak Swift, Jes, Luciana, Andrea Britton, Mel Jade.
Anyway let's continue our article about swedish eurodance singer  Pandora who last week invited in her home a  team of reporters to share a few things form her life.
Asked about her future plans the singer said that it's working on her single who will be called "I feel alive" and another music project that was made with Riku Niemi Orchestra the inspiration was her godson but also her unborn child.
"I feel alive" it's my new song . "Du är vårt barn" it's also a song that I wrote for my unborn son and my Godson 2004, and made with Riku Niemi Orchestra from Finland . None of them released yet. 
said the artist
More you can listen here


Danish Lady Gaga is back

After a little break the danish singer Medina is coming this days with a new smash single entitled "Junkie". The tune was not included on her latest album Forever (Special Edition), but was made with DJ duo Svendstrup & Vendelboe.
Junkie makes clearly references to opiates but is not that explained Medina  "It's a song about love and how addictive can be"

Asked how the ideas came out for the single Medina said :
Well, the ideas just pop into my head!!! I instantly have a film in my head when I write a song. That's the film I got when I wrote "Junkie." Little fashion junkies waiting for love... hunger for love, hunger for acceptance, waiting it out in the club! That old slaughterhouse we shot the video in was just a perfect location. It's a direct shot into my mind, how I see things."

The premiere of the video was on August 20th, and it's amazing because was well done made of course in Medina style.
For more infos check Vmagazine  

Nail Ya Dry - Give It Up EP

Uk garage music is back with the duo from Tall House Music Nail Ya Dry AKA / Anagram of Ryan & Lydia. The project was formed in 2013, and bought confessed that are House Music addicts, Ryan Blyth has been around doing the DJ circuit and producing for many years.
Their first Ep entitled "Give it up EP" includes 2 track , and has big support of  Amine Edge, Andi Durrant (Capital fm), The Wideboys (Kiss Fm).
"Give it up EP" all in the same style, if you are fan Shanks & Bigfoot , True Steppers you'll love this EP for sure.
 More infos here.