To be a star nowdays

I recently read on Facebook if you want it really bad to make it in showbiz you must be naked or to make a scandal and the result will be amazing... you'll get the hole attention that you need and the tabloids has something to talk about... it's called marketing even it's a bad publicity... But seeing this days all the videos from new projects almost all videos are promoting naked girls and boys it's like a rule ... And yes they have popularity over the internet even that track is not so good enough.... 
This topic was debated by the ex Dj Project lead singer Elena when she posted on FB this topic with her fans 
 "Is it true if you want to succeed in this biz you must throw your cloths of !? "
 Depends for who or whom, and the striptease it's an art if is done right!>:) or what kind the star do you want to be.... But is to much to say about this subject but seeing everywhere in media i think it's a form to bring the attention....

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