Am stat de vb cu Layzee(ex.Mr.P)si in interviul de mai jos aflati toate detaliile picante despre industria muzicala si nu numai..
Sper sa va placa in zilele urmatoare il voi traduce si in romana.;-)
Tavi: How did u start your music career?
Layzee: My music career started as a dancer in Birmingham, England about 100 years ago:-). No it must of been about 17 years ago. My brother and myself made a small dance company with 6 dancers and 25 students. That's basically where we started money with with music. But I'ved loved music every since I can remember.
Tavi: What can u tell me about Fresh and Fly project?
Layzee: The Fresh and Fly project was my Brother Mousse T. and myself we wrote and produced our own tracks and had our first release in the early 90's as dance started to make it's way to Europe. Our first single was called 'Don't Stop' but although it wasn't a hit it sold a good number. The second single 'African Rhythm' did very in the clubs. But that's were it all stopped.
Tavi: How did u start to work with Mr.P!?
Layzee: My working with Mr.P came about simply as I was working as a dj. I was about a year into being a dj and though myself a lot of DJ trick which I couldn't really use in the club I worked so I entered and DJ competition where the DJ of the club the competition was held was Kai the producer and the light DJ was a guy called Jens. Who I actually got with quite well at the time. After I got the first place at the competition rapping, mixing and scratching all at the same time. I had an offer to come to there studio to work on some demos. After that didn't hear from them for some time until one day I got a call asking I could step into the group for a few weeks while they find another rapper.
Tavi: I know that you are composer too, who was the artists that u wrote??
Layzee: I've been writing for Massive Tunes, 3-Dee, Mr. President, Java, and for a new boys band that are about break out with one of my songs. Can't say any name right. I don't just write and compose but I also produce and remix.
Tavi: This Question I want to put to make clear the idea , will be a Mr.P comeback!?
Layzee: The reason for the split of Mr.P was because mismanagement and too many changing faces. Therefore It's just a matter of taste as I see how many people ask for the Girls when I'm on tour. Basically none as it was all about the music.
There will be no Mr.President comeback unless I change my mind. But on the whole "NO MR. PRESIDENT comeback". I will be working with T-Seven on one or two projects but that's as close as it will get to a reunion.

Tavi: Tell me about your project?
Layzee: My project is all about the music and getting myself back out there to my other artist a chance. I have two artists I'm working and it's very difficult to get a new artist a break until they have a hit single. So I take them with on stage or work with them in the studio. My project follows the same style of Mr. P for obvious reasons. That's what people expect from me so that's what they get the old style with a new sound. There's more to come so I won't say too much right now. Just that I am getting a lot of requests and have a lot of dates confirmed. So see you all soon.
Tavi: I know you release on itunes your first single Yourlove?
Layzee: Ah yes! I release my first single 'Your Love' World Wide on Itunes and a few other on-line stores. With the next single 'Catch Me' there will be a few more stores to choose. But the important part is there released on my own label Diezel Records.
Tavi: What will be your future plans ?
Layzee: Well I think I've answer that already but basically to release another single and to be on tour this summer.
Tavi: What do u think about eurodance music? do u think is not popular anymore?
Layzee: Really! Eurodance is coming back which means it be out for some time. Which therefore tells me and everyone else that Eurodance is not popular anymore. But is on it's way again.
Tavi: What do u think about now of show bizz?
Layzee: Show bizz is just what it says. Everything about it is not real because it's show. But it's also a business so which means you have to be careful if you have no idea about this business and start believing it you will get sucked in and spat out. It's harder but it has not changed.
Tavi: What will be your next single?
Layzee: Next single will be 'Catch Me'
Tavi: I know that u are involved in a charity project can u tell me more about this project?
Layzee: I work with cancer kids and children that don't have a chance of a future because there is on money at home. I also work with a school project against bullying in schools
Multumesc pentru acest interviu lui LayZee
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