Victoria Silvstedt the Playboy Playmate of the Year '97 presents a show on the french and italian channels TF1 & Italia 1 called "Wheel of Fortune".
In '97 Victoria lunched a music album "Girl On the Run" with a lot of succes in Sweeden on that album lunched the hit single "Rock Steady Love" featuring Turbo B ( Snap!& Centory)
E! Online opens up jet-setting life as she travels around the globe of Victoria Silvstedt the premiere will be this Sunday at 10:30 Cet and it's called "My Perfect Life"...
Till then u can see her everyday on TF1 & Italia 1 :)
Blumchen the hit single "Herz an Herz" of Blumchen from '96 was recover by Rob Mayth "Heart to heart"
UltraBeat a after a long break the guys from UltraBeat lunched their new single called "Never Ever"
More infos about the band you can find here
Liz Kay Lunched in Europe her next single called "True Faith"
Nexx After their succes with "Syncronize lips" , the next single released by this band will be "Paralyzed"..
Enigma Micheal Cretu lunched DVD of the album "Seven Lives Many Faces"
His next single will be called "The Same Parents"
Loona(aka Carisma) release her new video called "Salam Aleikoum".The new album it is called "Moonrise" at was release on 10th October 2008. on the new album you can find also 4 remixes..
Info from Euro Reggae
Groove Coverage their next single will be a recall of "Moonlight Shadow" (Mike's Oldfield) . That single was remixed also by Missing Heart (E-Rotic) in 2001.
E-type in case you didn't see E-type video "True Beliver" here it is....

Eurovision 2009 News
Waldo's People will compete to represent Finland at ESC 2009.
Sani, former Aikakone vocalist, will compete too. They will be performing during the same semi-final, on January 16th on YLE channel. Songs will be revealed on December 3rd..
Other ESC news Belgian artist Hadise will represent Turkey....
Infos brought by Karine Sanche
Trebuie sa recunosc ca a fost o surpriza colosala pentru mine acest blog, felicitari pentru ceea ce faci, e extraordinara munca ta!!! Avem multe pasiuni comune vad :)
ReplyDeleteEu sunt fanul cantaretei germane Blümchen din 1997, de la 9 ani, am avut ocazia sa o cunosc iarna trecuta si personal in Germania, ea din 2001 e doar Jasmin Wagner, a renuntat din pacate la stilul muzical si la numele de scena care au consacrat-o.
Poate ramanem in contact...
Mersi fain pentru aprecieri!
ReplyDeleteSi mie imi place Blumchen...
Toate cele bune