Elena Paparizou earned a Platinum record for her new album "Vrisko To Logo Na Zo". At the MAD video awards, she was awarded for best pop video clip (for To Fili Tis Zois) and elected Artist of the year.
Elena Paparizou a castigat un premiu la Mad video awards pentu noul album "Vrisko To Logo Na Zo" si pentru cel mai bun clip pop (To Fili Tis Zois)de asemenea a mai fost nominalizata si la cel mai bun artist al anului.

Playahitty released The Summer Is Magic 2008.
Se pare ca in acesta vara ne puteam bucura de o noua varianta a piesei "The Summer Is Magic 2008" lansata de cei de la Playahitty.

Infernal's upcoming single will be entitled "Whenever You Need Me".
Noul single lansat de Infernali se va numi "Whenever You Need Me"

Gunther and the Sunshine Girls will be touring in US in the Fall 2008. At the moment they are on a European tour.
In toamna Gunther va face un turneu in America, momentan sunt intr-un turneu in Europa.
News from EuroKdj
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