Salutare am incercat sa vb cu Layzee despre noul sau proiect shi de colaborarea sa cu Massive Tunes, iata ce am aflat:
Delroy Rennalls
"Massive Tunes are a project from Hamburg who's sound I really liked but they had no songs. So I spoke to the producer and we decided to work together one song to see how it would turn out. The song called 'I Feel Your Love' and I wrote and produced the vocal for them with my studio singer 'The Minx' The guys did the rest or the work and it turn out really good. At the moment we are looking for the right label for track. We hope that we have a result within the next couple of weeks. I'll be meeting the guys for the first time at the PopKomm.. I have a few project on the go at the moment which also could be interesting. So things are moving."
The song u can hear it on this link www.myspace.com/massivetunesproject
Diezel ( aka Delroy Rennalls) will be live at the Peppermint Party backstage in Berlin with special interviews with all the top acts. Diezel also teams up with PFD project with a hot new underground dance. PFD are Porn Funk Deluxe. There are about to take the dance world be storm with there pumpin' track and very out-there lyrics. There debut track has been produced by Diezel and is a kick ass track called 'Who's Gonna Rock My Pussy' and does not excuse itself in anyway what so ever it comes at ya with phat beats and kickin basslines...
Thanx 2 Delroy Rennalls himself! 4 this infos...
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